Micro:bit Beginner Activities

Using the block editor at https://makecode.microbit.org, create and save the following programs:

  1. Display your first initial.
    (save as filename: initials_first_initial)
  2. Display a graphic icon.
    (save as filename: initials_icon)
  3. Scroll your first name and last name, in capitals.
    (filename: initials_scrolling_name)
  4. Write a program that displays the temperature in degrees Celsius.
    (filename: initials_temperature)
  5. Write a program that displays the micro:bit heading in degrees.
    (filename: initials_compass)
  6. Button A displays “HELLO”
    Button B displays “HOW ARE YOU?”
    Both buttons display “QUITE WELL, THANK YOU VERY MUCH”
    (filename: initials_hello_how_are_you)
  7. Write a program where button A increments a counter (which starts at zero) and button B decrements the counter.
    (filename: initials_counter)
  8. Play a simple song (like Twinkle Twinkle) that can be listened to through your earbuds. You will need two test leads for this (see your instructor) which you will connect to Pins 0 and Gnd.
    (filename: initials_simple_song)
  9. Write a program that simulates Rock Paper Scissors. When you shake the Micro:bit it displays one of the rock, paper, or scissors icons.
    (filename: initials_rock_paper_scissors)
  10. Write a program that tracks your steps.
    (filename: initials_microbit_fitbit)

…where initials are your initials.