Daily Reminders

  • Use your organizer keep track of tasks and deadlines. My own preference is Google Keep but many students also seem to like Google Tasks, which is built into Gmail.
  • Check the daybook (or Classroom, whichever is being used in class) and your email at the beginning of every class.
  • Use your organizer to record your tasks and deadlines. Get in the habit of working from your organizer. If you are starting a new assignment, put it on your organizer first.
  • If you’ve received a mark update, check it for any errors or outstanding items. If you have any concerns, talk to me immediately or make a note of it on your to-do list.
  • Is your mark below 60%? If it is, expect me to talk to you about spending some lunch hours in the class to catch up.
  • If one of your class assignments is a ePortfolio (all classes except ICS), ask yourself if there is anything you can add to it today. Then do so!
  • At the end of every period, please push your chair in, throw out (or recycle) your garbage, and turn off your computer if it is the last period of the day.