Ontario Skills Passport Assignment (Summative)

This assignment builds on the Ontario Skills Passport Assignment you did in in-school session #2.

Select any three Essential Skills that you have acquired in your placement and give a 1-2 paragraph explanation (for each) of how these skills were developed. Be specific, detailed, and honest. (Please remember that spelling and grammar counts.)

To do this assignment, a Google Doc template has been created.

Note to BDSS students: use the document link in Google Classroom to create your document instead of the link above.


ePortfolio Title Page

At a minimum, your ePortfolio title page must include:

  • Your Name
  • Job Title
  • Name of placement
  • Placement address, phone, website
  • Company Logo or picture
  • A picture of you at your placement

See here for an example title page.

Co-op Reminders

  • Be sure you belong to the class reminder service (see instructions in Google Classroom).
  • Submit your hours to your employer weekly.
  • Be sure to notify the school and your employer if you are absent.
  • Check Google Classroom regularly for new assignments.
  • Check your online marks regularly. Report any issues to your instructor.

In-school Session #3

This is a summary of our 3rd in-school co-op session. Note that the links here are for reference only and that all assignments must be opened in Google Classroom (GC).

Co-op Pre-placement


Note: “[on GC]” means it has been added the master Google Classroom class so it can be “reused” in the actual GC classes. 

  • Course Outline (PDF) [on GC] | “Big Picture” Outline [on GC]
  • Co-op Calendar [on GC]
    • Note the important dates in your own calendar.
    • If you click the “+” on the bottom-right of the calendar you can add the Co-op calendar to your Google Calendar account.
    • If there any missing dates, please report them to your instructor.
  • What is Co-op? [on GC]
  • About Me (blog post link) [on GC]
  • Create a Google Folder called “Co-op” and save all your files in that folder. (It’s a good idea to do this. Trust me!) [on GC]
  • Student Information Sheet (PDF) [on GC]
    • Download, fill in, and submit
  • Student Intention Sheet (PDF) [on GC]
    • Download, fill in, and submit
  • Hour Republic [on GC]
    • Log in via D2L, update notes daily and submit weekly
    • Tutorials
    • Test this on the second day
  • Remind Notifications (2018-02 Link) [on GC]
  • Co-op Student Handbook
  • Research Your Co-op Placement (Google Doc) [on GC]
  • Resume [on GC]
    • Create (or update) and submit
    • Can use Career Cruising
  • Cover Letter [on GC]
  • Overview of Final Presentation [on GC]
  • Accident Reporting Process (PDF) [on GC]
  • Safety Lessons and Tests
    • Mandatory:
      • WHMIS [on GC]
      • Ministry of Labour: Prevention Starts Here [on GC]
      • Violence and Harassment [on GC]
      • Accessibility Standards – Customer Service [on GC]
    • If Time Permits (In-school session #1 material):
      • Ministry of Labour E-Test –  Worker Health and Safety Awareness in 4 Steps (40 minutes required)
      • Safe Ladder
      • Germ Prevention
      • Slip, Trips and Falls

Old Material (not being used)

In-school Session #2

This is a summary of our 2nd in-school co-op session. Note that the links here are for reference only and that all assignments must be opened in Google Classroom (GC).

Anything not completed in our session will have to be completed as homework by the end of the week.

In-school Session #1

Summary of our 1st in-school co-op session:

  • Log in to Google Classroom
  • Share your highlights!
    • What kind of tasks are you doing in your co-op placement?
    • Any highlights?
    • Anything you’re not liking?
    • Any problems?
  • Journal #1 (Google Doc)
  • What is a Personalized Placement Learning Plan (PPLP)? (discussion)
  • PPLP Instructions (view the Google Doc)
  • PPLP Draft (download and fill in the PDF)
  • DSBN H&S modules (complete and print)
    • Ladder Safety
    • Germ Prevention

Anything not completed in our session will have to be completed as homework by the end of the week.

Weekly Log Reminder

Just a reminder to fill in and submit your co-op work hours in Hour Republic for the past week.

Please confirm with your employer that they are receiving the authorization emails.

(This page is used in conjunction with a text message sent through the Remind service.)

Short URL: https://goo.gl/wmu253