Affinity Designer Tutorials

Name your page “Affinity Designer Tutorials”.

Export (as PNG) your favourite five Affinity Designer tutorial files. Be sure they are exported with transparency turned on (with no background) and are 1024 pixels on the longest side.

Upload the pictures to your ePortfolio.

Under each picture put “Tutorial: URL”, where URL is the shortened version of the URL.

For each video, include a short paragraph explaining why you enjoyed this tutorial and what skills you learned from it.

Ensure the page is aesthetically pleasing.

ICT Ethics Assignment

Create an infographic (Affinity Designer is recommended for this) or Google Doc or podcast or video that shows an ICT-related ethical issue which:

  • clearly defines what the issue is all about,
  • convincingly shows us how to resolve it, and
  • recommends alternatives/safeguards which exist to protect against such issues in the future (if applicable).

Topic Suggestions

  • Music and video file downloading
  • Spyware
  • Identity theft
  • Phishing
  • Keystroke logging
  • Packet sniffing
  • Biometric data
  • Effective passwords
  • Firewalls
  • Secure websites
  • Cyber bullying


Be sure to give credit to all your sources!

Inspiration and credit for this assignment:

BTT1O Administrivia

Day 1

Continue reading “BTT1O Administrivia”


Throughout the course we will be using various tools to help our learning:
  • Portable Apps
    • Chrome
    • Notepad++
  • Lastpass
  • Diigo (social bookmarking)
  • Google Drive
  • Google Takeout
  • Google Sites (the NEW Google Sites)
  • Google Keep
  • Gmail
  • Twitter
  • Dropbox

Reminder Service is a service that I will use to send email and text notifications to students and parents.

To subscribe, please follow the directions in the relevant document: