In-school Session #2

This is a summary of our 2nd in-school co-op session. Note that the links here are for reference only and that all assignments must be opened in Google Classroom (GC).

Anything not completed in our session will have to be completed as homework by the end of the week.

In-school Session #1

Summary of our 1st in-school co-op session:

  • Log in to Google Classroom
  • Share your highlights!
    • What kind of tasks are you doing in your co-op placement?
    • Any highlights?
    • Anything you’re not liking?
    • Any problems?
  • Journal #1 (Google Doc)
  • What is a Personalized Placement Learning Plan (PPLP)? (discussion)
  • PPLP Instructions (view the Google Doc)
  • PPLP Draft (download and fill in the PDF)
  • DSBN H&S modules (complete and print)
    • Ladder Safety
    • Germ Prevention

Anything not completed in our session will have to be completed as homework by the end of the week.

Weekly Log Reminder

Just a reminder to fill in and submit your co-op work hours in Hour Republic for the past week.

Please confirm with your employer that they are receiving the authorization emails.

(This page is used in conjunction with a text message sent through the Remind service.)

Short URL:

PD Days

Going in to your co-op placements on a PD day is optional.

If you do not go, be sure your employer is aware.

If you do go, be sure to only work during the hours covered in your co-op contract.


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Reminder Service is a service that I will use to send email and text notifications to students and parents.

To subscribe, please follow the directions in the relevant document:

Introducing Yourself

Students, look for the assignment on Google Classroom.

Teachers, see my blog post about this assignment here.